Special Reasons to Love St. Bart's
Special Reasons to Love St. Bart's was a 2019 parent-led campaign to showcase the ways St. Bart's benefits children.
Highlights are below!
Morning Meetings
In a world that’s always on the go, it’s important to teach our children to stop and connect. Morning meetings take place daily in each classroom, giving students the opportunity to greet each other and share memorable moments. As part of the Responsive Classroom approach, these meetings are a gift to our children.
Two Daily Recesses Have Huge Benefits
In a world where schools are cutting back on recess, our students reap the many benefits of getting out and moving around. Studies show that recess helps kids stay on task in the classroom, improves memory and attention, develops more brain connections, improves negotiation & conflict resolution skills, and leads kids to be more physically active before and after school.
Service Work
Every Thanksgiving, approximately 50 families at our sister parish in Northwest Washington enjoy a delicious meal plus two weeks of groceries, thanks to the generosity of our school and church. Our students, especially the 8th grade, are hands-on in boxing and preparing the food, as they learn to put faith into action
Trunk or Treat
Family-friendly traditions are important at St. Bart’s. What could be more fun for a child than wearing a costume and running from car to car to get candy? Plus, seeing how people transform their cars is a treat every year.
Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)
For 15 minutes each day, the lower school enjoys DEAR, Drop Everything And Read. Peek into classrooms and you’ll see flashlight reading, headphone reading, and, of course, plain old reading! Reading improves vocabulary, critical thinking, concentration, writing skills, and much more.
Brain-Boosting Cursive
Did you know that students who learn cursive have fewer problems with letter reversal? Also, scientists say writing in cursive creates continuous brainwaves instead of a choppier learning experience with printing. Those are two of the reasons that cursive is taught as its own class and across the curriculum in the lower school.
Leadership Opportunities
Leadership opportunities occur daily at St. Bart’s. At carpool, upper school students take pride in protecting our youngest students, serving as role models while they guide them to safety.
Spring Musical
Every year our spring musical knocks it out of the park! Actors are directed by our talented Mr. Villar, and set design and costuming are done by Mrs. Bradley and her crew. Best of all, there is a place for everybody who wants to participate!
Highly Personalized Education
It’s not one size fits all at St. Bart’s. Some children crave extra challenge, and some need extra support. Our small class size allows teachers to have a personal relationship with each student. To learn more about the profound benefits of small class sizes, watch the video!
Bringing Saints to Life
When 8th graders pick a confirmation name, they begin a multi-month process of learning the rich history of their chosen Saint. By examining the deeds of their Saints, students are meaningfully able to draw links to their own modern day lives.
Our Outdoor Classroom
Having class outside offers many benefits to kids at St. Bart’s. Studies show children who learn outside score higher on standardized tests, have reduced behavior problems, and have reduced symptoms of ADHD.
Upper and Lower School Buddies
The pairing of upper school students with lower school students is a true win-win situation. Young Bobcats get to learn from “big kids” whom they look up to, and those “big kids” get a chance to flex their leadership muscles.
Bobcat Buddies
Bobcat Buddies pairs 8th graders with students in our inclusion program. Our 8th graders plan and execute fun and creative lessons, while developing a deeper sense of compassion, sensitivity, and understanding toward peers with developmental differences. Their buddies have an opportunity to make new friends who are also wonderful role models.

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Trailblazers in Education: CCSE Recognizes St. Bart's
Posted October 14, 2018; updated August 19, 2019
This fall of 2017, the Catholic Coalition for Special Education (CCSE) awarded St. Bart's with a generous grant to support our efforts to offer an inclusive education to all children. Our mission is to provide a top-notch Catholic education to any child who seeks it, and this grant has made it possible to add additional resource staff to support all of our learners, including those with Down Syndrome, ADHD, and dyscalcula among others.
Our Resource Team consists of department chair, Mrs. Barbara Brown (Zoey '20), Reading Specialist Laura Digges, Certified Special Educator Amanda McMurtrie Herndon, and assistant Jennifer Slater. ​
On March 16, 2019 St. Bartholomew School was recognized as a Trailblazer in Education at the CCSE Believe in Me! Spring Benefit and in August 2019 CCSE has committed to awarding St. Bart's a second grant award.
We are also fortunate to have been awarded support by Tribute 21, another wonderful organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds to support those with Down Syndrome.
Learn more about CCSE and their incredible work in the community.