170 ...Approximate student enrollment.
17 ...Average number of students per class.
11:1 ...Impressive student to teacher ratio.
61 ...Number of years educating the community.
1000 + ...Average number of socks gathered for the homeless during the annual "Socktober" Service Project.
11 ...Total acreage of the St. Bartholomew campus.
34 ...Percentage of students/families that identify as persons of color, or are of international heritage.
36 ...Number of Masses attended by students during the school year.
30 ...Percentage of students currently receiving additional tuition support from the school or the ADW.
90 ...Average percentage of upper school students who participate in an after school sport.
100 ...Percentage of students that attend a top choice for high school.
31 ...Percentage of Faculty and Staff that identify as persons of color or of international heritage.
100 ...Percentage of students who participate in St. Bart's House Teams.
0 ...Number of students who are cut from a team sport at St. Bartholomew.
1963 ...Year that St. Bartholomew Catholic School was founded.
20 ...Approximate percentage of students that are non-Catholic.
6900 ...Street address of St. Barts on River Road in Bethesda, MD.