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Before and After Care Registration


​We intend to make childcare services available to all families with children in Pre-K4 through 8th grade**.  To ensure close supervision and an appropriate student-to-teacher ratio, pre-registration is required and drop-in spots are limited.  Our capacity per cohort is informed by the Office of Childcare’s caregiver: child ratio and is based on the responses received in the Pre-Registration & Enrollment Form (due August 19).  


Please Register in Advance

Families who require regular childcare services are required to pre-register.  Drop-in care is available when space allows.


Aftercare Details

Homework is a priority for our K-8 students. Once homework is completed, children have the opportunity to play outside or in the gym (when available).  A variety of board games, puzzles, and quiet activities are available for indoor play.


We provide a snack and juice, but children are welcome to bring their own snacks if they prefer.


Late Pickup Policy

If you are unexpectedly unable to pick up your child by 3:15 p.m., they will be safely brought into aftercare. You can then pick them up from the designated aftercare room. 


Contact Information

For any questions regarding before or aftercare, please contact the school office at 301-229-5586.


Pickup and Late Fees

Children must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. A parent or guardian is required to sign out each child. Our program is staffed by teachers who have been working since 7:00 a.m., so we kindly ask that you are prompt. A late fee will be charged for each child picked up after 5:30p.m. This fee will be added to your aftercare bill.


Billing Information

Click here for detailed information about fees and billing schedule.   


Tax Information

We do not provide individual reports of expenses paid for tax purposes. Please keep track of your TADs invoices for your records.

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